COVID 19 Safety Plan – Totem Preschool

Totem Preschool is committed to providing a safe work and learning environment for staff and children. This plan will be in effect when the preschool begins operation in September 2020. It has been developed considering all aspects and processes of the facility and will continually be assessed and updated as needed. All staff, parents and children are expected to adhere to the protocols describe within this plan. 

Activity Specific Procedures

Drop Off

Parents are now being given the option to drop off children at the door without entering the facility. They will be required to maintain appropriate physical distancing while on preschool grounds. Parents that wish to continue entering the building with their children can still do so.  Only 4 parents and their children will be permitted into the entry area at one time. Admin will greet parents at the door to direct them in safe entry. Parents must use hand sanitizer upon entry. Shoes will not have to be removed if they are not wet.

Children will remove their outerwear, hang up backpacks, wash their hands and proceed into the classroom. 

Staff will maintain a distance of 2 metres from parents, other staff members and, where possible, children.

Children will remove their outerwear, hang up backpacks, wash their hands and proceed into the classroom.  

Staff will maintain a distance of 2 metres from parents, other staff members and, where possible, children. 

Free play

Handwashing will occur before all free play activities. Toys that cannot be easily cleaned will be removed from play. Any toys that are noted to have been mouthed by a child will be removed from play and set aside to be cleaned/sanitized before being return to circulation. Teachers will continually provide reminders to children to keep their distance from others while playing. 

Circle time/ Art and Science

Circle time and Art & Science time will now occur at the same time with children separated into groups of 10 children participating in each activity and will switch halfway through the allotted time. During circle time children will be seated in a way to encourage physical distancing. Rather than the regular circle, children will be sat in a rainbow pattern. Loud voices will be discouraged. During art & science time children will be seated to promote physical distancing during art or science activities. When possible, individual materials will be given to children to avoid the need to share implements. Small groups of shared implements will be placed in multiple locations on tables so children may avoid over reaching and coming too close to others. 

Snack time

Children will be spaced apart at their tables, with only 4 children sitting at each table. Handwashing will occur both before and after snack time. Tables will be cleaned and sanitized after each use. 

Downstairs Play

When weather requires inside play, the children will be split into 2 groups with half playing downstairs and half remaining upstairs. The half remaining upstairs will participate in active play/games. 

Pick Up

Pick up time will be extended to reduce the number of parents present at any one time. It will occur outside, weather permitting. Parents will enter the facility to obtain personal belongings and sign child out. No more than 4 parents may be inside the facility at one time and hand sanitizer will be provide for use by parents upon entry into the facility. 

When children must be picked up inside, teachers will have the children begin getting ready at the start of the pickup time to ensure a smooth and quick pick up. 

General Principles 

Physical Distancing

Staff will attempt to maintain a 2-metre physical distance from one another and parents. Staff members will also keep a physical distance from children; however, they will step in and provide closer proximity assistance as needed.   

Staff will continually remind children to keep their distance from others as they learn and play. 

Hand hygiene

Staff and children will follow an increased hand washing frequency. In addition to regular handwashing activities, staff will wash their hands and direct children to wash their hands as they change tasks or move to other areas of the building. For example, upon entry into the building, before and after snack and before and after downstairs play.

Parents will be required to use hand sanitizer when entering the building.

Cleaning and Sanitization

Totem preschool adheres to strict cleaning and sanitization practices at all times, however, there will be an increased cleaning routine during lunch break and after classes. All high touch surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized after each class and all surfaces will be cleaned once daily.  Any toys that are not easily cleaned or sanitized will be removed from use. 

Personal Protective Equipment

In this setting facemasks will not be required but anyone choosing to wear one will be supported. They may be donned for close contact activities such as assisting children with outdoor clothing dressing. 

Illness Policy


Staff will not come to work if they have a fever or any symptoms of illness. If they become ill while present at the site, they will immediately remove themselves from the area and, in the case of a teacher, have admin step into the room to cover teacher duties, and then promptly leave the facility. 

Children and Parents:

Children are not permitted to attend class if they have a fever or other symptoms of illness. If symptoms present while student is on site, they will be isolated from other children and put under the supervision of the admin; parents will be called to pick up immediately.

Parents who have a fever or symptoms of illness are not permitted to drop off a child at the facility.


In the event of a confirmed case of COVID 19 occurring within our staff or student body, we will immediately shut down preschool operation for 10 days from date of exposure. We will contact our Northern Health Licensing Officer to advise of situation and inform of closure. We will also ensure a complete and thorough sanitization of the preschool before resuming operation.


Violence towards staff is never acceptable and this remains true as the staff work with parents and children to follow COVID safety protocols. Violence can be in the form of verbal or physical aggression or threats. If a staff becomes involved in a violent incident, they will first try to deescalate the situation including speaking to the individual, asking for another staff assistance and asking the violent individual to leave. If these efforts are not effective, the RCMP will be called to assist. Individuals who have exhibited violence will be met with at a later time, either in person or via teleconference, and the matter discussed. This may lead to the individual being excluded from being present at the daycare at all times.

A sign will be posted stating “Violence towards staff will not be tolerated”